Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Fast Facts

(Title borrowed from Teamsters Airline Division, Local 135)

Mike made a quick trip to Jacksonville on Sunday.  He was able to get the drywall up on the bedroom ceiling.....impressive, at least to me...LOL.  He was home before 9a on Monday. 
I must make some decisions about paint color. Wont be long before its my turn to put some time in.
Missy had a full week of school, she does have Monday off, for some unknown reason...hmm, I'm off on Monday too, perhaps she & I will have to have a girls day, IF I get my chores all done on Sunday since I'm back to work on Tuesday.
I did a rare thing....worked 5 days in a row.......I truly have no idea how you all do such a thing on a regular basis, its such a rare event for me. (yes, I know.....I am a spoiled flight attendant)  I worked a 3 day trip, followed by a 2day so I spent Thur nite with Graceanne.  It was nice to sit and chat with her a bit at her place.  Poor thing, I had to call her at 540a today and ask her to put my lunch bag out on her stoop, I had forgotten it and don't have a key to her place.  I'm sure she was not a happy camper....LOL 
Cheryl is liking her job, may take some getting used to the hours though.

This grandma must brag....Olivia has learned to print her name....thanks to the diligent efforts of her mom.  She also has reaffirmed my belief that a grandma outranks an aunt.  Stacey was talking to Graceanne on the phone & asked Olivia if she wanted to talk to Aunt Grace....nope.   But a bit later Olivia wanted to call her grandma!  Gotta love that girl.
ALSO Justin had his animal presentation at school and did a wonderful job, even had a compliment from a teacher other than his own. I only wish I could take credit for his intelligence....

I am sitting in the hotel room at JFK and feeling a bit sorry for myself.  This is pizza & movie night at the Riley house and I'm missing it! 

Random thought:  either I'm getting old & cranky or people are getting way to self centered these days

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