Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, Monday.......(remember that song?)

Here it is Monday, the day after Mother's Day.  I must admit, other than none of the kids being around (Missy was with her mom until 5) it was a pleasant day.  I spent several hours in the scrapbook room, finished up all but 1 of the projects I started at the CK Convention last weekend. Missy made pasta for dinner & we all watched the Amazing Race finale. We were disappointed the cowboys didn't win, but as they said, they kept their integrity & had a great time.  It was so refreshing to watch them all season, never getting ugly with one another, no matter what.  It was a fun season, since Mike, Missy & I watched it together whenever we were all home.

Mike is still seeing drs, trying to figure out what is wrong with him. His PCP thinks perhaps the pain is from his back; Mike is seeing a neurosurgeon today, as I type, actually.

I am about half way through a 4hour airport appreciation sit. Makes me thankful for my laptop, I can spend time surfing the net.

I would be remiss if I did not share how God worked in our lives over the weekend. Mike & Missy took the Mistubishi to pick up the pizza on Friday evening. He called and asked me to pick them up, the car had broken down. The timing belt had broken. First of all, Praise to God Mike was driving the car instead of me driving to Greensboro at 3a!  Mike was concerned the damage would be more than just the belt, costing more money. He found a place to fix it on Saturday & it was fixed and back home by 6p! Praise to God, it was only the belt, nothing more! God is so good!

To get his mind off the car repairs, Mike took me out yardsaling. Since he works on Saturdays, it was great to spend the time together. I picked up several things to use in my scrapbook room; Mr 'I hate cats' bought Chanel a little cat condo with a tunnel; we picked up a couple window fans for Graceanne, if she doesn't want them we'll use them in our Jacksonville house until we get the central air put in.

I made strawberry preserves for the very first time on Saturday. It actually turned out good. Mike is planning on picking up some more strawberries for me on Thur & I'll make more while I'm home on Friday. Not sure what has gotten into me but no one is complaining....LOL

I endured a shopping trip to buy a dress for Martha's retirement & Kylie's graduation. I'm sure I tried on 25+ dresses. For those of you who don't know, I really hate to shop for clothes for myself. I had Mike with me so he helped me pick it out.  Glad that is I can look forward to the retirement next Friday.

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