Thursday, July 21, 2011

Part 1: The Grandkids Visit Grandma & Grandpa

For the first time ever, both Justin & Olivia were able to visit us in June! They were with us from June 4 - 23. Joshua's new orders moved him to Massachusetts. Instead of driving the entire family & the dog from CA to MA, the kids stayed with us while the movers came & packed up the house. Then Josh & Stacey and Gabby (the dog) drove east. I flew out to pick them up on Memorial Day & spend a few days. Justin, Olivia & I flew from Ontario CA to Dallas Ft Worth where we had a 3 hour layover. We had some lunch then were going to the USO when we discovered a children's play area. As nice as the USO's are, this was the perfect place for the kids to burn off some energy. Because Justin's reservations were made after Olivia & mine, he didn't sit with us, instead sat in a window seat both flights all by himself. I think he liked being 'big enough' to sit away from us.

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